by Madi Eunis


I don’t think I know one person that hasn’t complained about their knees, shoulders, or hips. I have also heard it many times as an excuse not to practice yoga, when it is actually an indication that the body needs it. 

The things that all of these body parts have in common, is that on the skeletal level, they are all joints. Joints are the junction, or connection of two bones. To create the hip, the joint is the femur to the pelvis so your leg can move in different directions. Another example is the knee, which is the connection of the tibia and fibula to the femur. This joint allows you to bend your knee so that you aren’t walking with straight, unbendable legs like a stick figure. 

The reason for joint pain, well there are so many. A lot of the time, it is because of deterioration or lack of movement. When the joints move in the exact same way overtime, the joints rub against one another which can chip at the bones and wear them down. When this happens, that’s when we feel the joint pain that we can’t seem to shake or explain. 

We sit down, stand up, stare at phones and computer screens, drive our cars, and sit on couches with the television on. It’s a way different lifestyle than our ancestors were living–a lot of sitting. No wonder we have pain. Our bodies are meant to be dynamic, move in amazing ways which is why we have joints.


The Possible Reasons For Joint Pain

If we take a moment to look at evolution, we can see a vast difference in the type of movement required in the western world from the past to the present. Our ancestors used to have to forage and hunt for food. They had to run, climb, jump, crouch more than we do. For us, we have to make time for exercise and movement like this. Then, it was for survival.

They also had to entertain themselves through other forms of activity rather than scrolling social media or watching movies. There was dancing, singing, walking, swimming. Just more ways to move the body and occupy the mind.

This isn’t to say they didn’t experience pain, but it definitely would have been a different kind of pain than what we experience. Our joints are stiff because a lot of people are sitting at computers or on their phones for hours within a day. Just sitting in one position for hours with gravity weighing on the body in that one position for a while is bound to create tension in the muscles and stiffness in the joints. Hence, the body becomes stiff. Just like the tin man in the Wizards of Oz. 

Then, after a long day of sitting in front of a computer concentrating, mindless activities like social media scrolling or lounging on the couch watching a movie sounds appealing. It becomes a lot harder to want to go to the gym or go to the yoga class. So the joints suffer because they are meant to move and support us in our movement!  


A Reason Not To Do Yoga or The Reason To Do Yoga?

As a teacher of many different varieties of yoga, I have seen and worked with many different bodies. I’ve worked with yogis and yoginis that are very flexible and hypermobile which puts strain on the joints believe it or not. I’ve also worked with people who only lift weights that complain about their joints as well as older people who can only put so much pressure on their wrists. 

Most people I talk to and work with complain about their knees. Especially when we are in yoga poses that require weight there. Even just a simple table top position can be really uncomfortable for some bodies. That’s totally okay.

What’s not okay, is using that as an excuse not to practice yoga. Sometimes, we just need an extra cushion under the knees or wrist to give some extra support. There are also alignment cues that you can ask your yoga instructor for, as well as a variety of different variations you can take to get the same benefits. A lot of it is listening to your body, but also allowing yourself to be uncomfortable without being in pain. 


 The Reason To Do Yoga For Your Joints

What the joints need is variety. They need to move out of your usual norm. They need movement! Yoga is perfect because the moving of the joints generates synovial fluid. Synovial fluid is like the body’s natural lubricant. The more that you move your legs in different directions, the more fluid is produced which protects and lubricates the space in between the bones. 

Synovial Fluid is like the oil the Tin Man needs in the Wizard of Oz so he doesn’t get stuck. It’s so he can move and be more free with his body. I feel like the Tin Man when I don’t practice yoga for a while. Muscles become tight, my head becomes foggy, and my joints crack more than usual. 

Yoga has multiple purposes with aiding the joints. The movement and creation of synovial fluid, of course, but asana also helps build strength in the muscles around the joints. This muscle will take the pressure off of the joints and create a natural cushion-like effect in the body.

In order to practice with more ease in comfort, your equipment can help you. Finding the right supportive mat for you is important so you can practice yoga without worrying about hurting yourself. If you’re avoiding your practice because your joints tend to hurt, having a mat that is supportive while learning how to work with these aches and pains will be beneficial in preventing further deterioration or pain to develop.

Our Mats are Designed for Support

Because our mats are thicker than the average, it gives your wrists, knees, ankles, and hips all support during your practice. While providing some extra cushion, it still remains strong and durable so it molds just enough to your body and weight. 

You can also always fold the mat in the place under your knees to provide even more cushion if they need it, so you can get into the poses you want to experience. 

Even the fact our mats are larger, allows you to take up space during your practice. Space is everything in yoga–we move our bodies to create space within, so it’s important you feel that you have space to open up on your mat. 

The design of the mat is meant to support those with joint pain, and it’s also meant to calm the mind and create this sense of unity with self, yoga, and nature. Between the earthy textures and patterns, to the oval shape to create this sense of infinity. Rather than sharp corners or rigid rectangles, it is a space that creates ease and balance within yourself and your practice. 

As humans, we are visual beings. What we see on the outside can dictate how we feel on the inside. The earth naturally grounds us, and when we are looking at something that resembles the earth, it triggers that sense of safety inward to expand and open. 

So, long story long, our mats are so much more than beautiful. They are meant to ground, balance, and strengthen your mind, body, and soul. 

No more excuses not to practice yoga! Get a mat, and get on your mat. Click here to explore.

Check out our instagram for yoga poses and ways to use your yoga equipment that are supportive for your joints. We got you! Let’s flow.

Madi Eunis