What is Yoga?

What is Yoga?

By Madi Eunis @i.am.madgic What comes to mind when you hear the term yoga? Unless you study the path in depth, I’m sure a visual of a woman in tight...
Madi Eunis
Yamas & Niyamas Pt. 1: The Guidelines of the Yoga Path

Yamas & Niyamas Pt. 1: The Guidelines of the Yoga Path

By Madi Eunis  @i.am.madgic Yamas: External interactions in the world Ahimsa: Non-Violence Asteya: Non-Stealing Satya: Truthfulness Brahmacharya: Self-Control for Devotion Aparigraha: Service to Community Niyamas: Internal interactions in the inner...
Madi Eunis
Sound Healing: Down to the Atom

Sound Healing: Down to the Atom

by Madi Eunis @i.am.madgic Do you ever listen to music and notice your mood or energy shift? Think about it. When you hear a hip hop or pop song, the...
Madi Eunis
Asana Yoga: Is it really for everyone?

Asana Yoga: Is it really for everyone?

by Madi Eunis  @i.am.madgic    Yoga is not a woman’s sport. Nor is it meant for a specific body type or gender.  If you go to India, you learn that...
Madi Eunis
Your Yoga Support System: Blocks, Bolsters & Trapeze

Your Yoga Support System: Blocks, Bolsters & Trapeze

by Madi Eunis @i.am.madgic   Yoga tools are your friends. They want to support you during your practices, not make you feel like you’re not doing enough. They want to...
Madi Eunis
Joint Pain & Yoga: Your Yoga Mat Matters

Joint Pain & Yoga: Your Yoga Mat Matters

by Madi Eunis @i.am.madgic   I don’t think I know one person that hasn’t complained about their knees, shoulders, or hips. I have also heard it many times as an...
Madi Eunis